Monday, February 14, 2011

self improvement

so i've been feeling in a bit of a rut lately, i'm tired all the time, i'm having trouble focusing and i'm getting behind on my film deadlines. i need to come up with a way to improve myself. i need to come up with ways to maintian focus, keep my energy up and keep working. this is the home stretch and i've got a lot to do before i graduate so i can't slack off.

earlier today i was hitting that 4pm wall of grogginess. i needed to work on my movie (which i'd been doing all day) but i was exhausted. i was going to take a nap, which would waste an hour but maybe i'd feel better after, but instead i decided to take a walk instead. instead of sleeping to regain some energy i looked over my notes for the scene i was trying to write, then with those fresh in my mind, i went out for a brisk walk. it was nice but still cold enough that it perked up my senses and the activity of walking at a quick pace, got my heart rate up a bit and made me feel a lot better. i saved a lot of time, and used the walk to focus on solving the problem at hand, so that not only would i be sharper and more alert on my return, but would have already solved some of the problems that i was stuck on.

i'm going to try and find more simple solutions to improving myself and my work. i'll try to think creatively to try new things that might help me focus and work better.

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